Terms and Conditions
Premises designation
The Domaines & événements group's estates provide indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as parking and related facilities. The green spaces are at the Organizer's disposal on condition that the public shows the utmost respect for the flora and the decorative and artistic objects.
Duration of availability
The duration of availability is agreed within the time limits stipulated in the quote.
Domaines & événements requires the presence of qualified baby-sitters for the entire duration of the event, appointed by the Organizing Client to supervise the children.
Service providers
A list of recommended service providers is available to customers in the brochure for each domain, by clicking on the "Discover our partners" tab.
Domaines & événements has an exclusive partnership with Stéphane Bourgeon, D&é's official photographer, for the production of its commercial visuals: photos and videos.
External service providers
Non-partner" service providers are asked to provide us with professional insurance covering their services at least 15 days before the event.
Catering services
The Organizing Customer undertakes to contractually agree that it is the caterer's responsibility to: tidy up tables & chairs, leave the kitchen, hall & washrooms clean after use (brooms...) and remove all waste including glasses.
It is understood that service and/or kitchen staff at the reception venue are not an integral part of these terms and conditions, but of the caterer's service.
Regarding waste and glass management, we remind you that all waste must be taken back by the caterer or by you at the end of your event.
Sound & Disc Jockey
If an external service provider is selected, an on-site technical inspection with the event manager will be mandatory, as will signature of the specifications.
The use of subwoofers is strictly forbidden.
Noise pollution
The sound system and dance activities will take place indoors only.
The Client Organizer is asked to stop playing music at 4am.
Please note that lantern releases, fireworks (in certain areas), balloon releases, and arrivals by hot-air balloon or helicopter are prohibited.
Organizers are asked not to use nails, screws or staples during decoration to avoid damaging the premises.
The premises will be systematically inspected after the event (see responsibilities and obligations of the organizing customer).
Unless an "extended stay" agreement has been reached, rooms cannot be made available before 4pm on the day of the event.
They must be vacated by 11am the following day.
Payment for all occupied rooms will be made through the Customer Organizer.
A tourist tax must be paid and collected by the Client Organizer for all residents 18 years of age.
Pets are not allowed on site (except guide dogs).
Adding temporary structures
The Customer Organizer undertakes to return the site in the same condition as when he entered the premises. In particular, he/she undertakes to remove any additional equipment stored during his/her stay (decoration, signage, lighting, etc.) by 11:00 the next day at the latest.
Any addition of a tent or structure must be approved in advance by the Domaine.
Unless special conditions apply, it must be set up no earlier than the day of the reception and dismantled no later than 11:00 a.m. the following day.
The structure must be installed by a recognized and approved professional.
If the electrical power made available to the Organizing Customer is insufficient, the latter shall be responsible for renting a generator or installing a temporary EDF cabinet.
Responsibilities and obligations of the Organizer
The Customer Organizer is responsible for all damage resulting from the reception.
The Client Organizer is responsible for the service providers and personnel appointed to ensure the reception is properly executed.
Any resulting repairs or restoration work will be at the Organizer's expense. A joint inventory of fixtures may be drawn up at the request and expense of the Organizing Customer.
Domaines & événements cannot be held responsible for objects or goods left on its sites, nor for vehicles parked in allocated parking lots.
The Organizing Client shall have no recourse against Domaines & événements in the event of damage or accident occurring on the premises (interior and exterior) during the period of the stay.
Domaines & événements cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for the consequences of a failure to supervise minors on the site. The Client Organizer must take all necessary measures to ensure the proper supervision of minors.
Insurance and security deposit
The Customer Organizer must take out "Holiday and Family Party" insurance with a solvent French insurance company (if he does not already have one), covering the entire period of this quotation, and must provide proof of this in the form of a certificate attached to this quotation.
The Customer Organizer must register in the domain chosen for his event:
- A security deposit to cover damage to the premises, furniture and furnishings, in the form of a cheque for an amount determined according to the number of guests.
Withdrawal periods
"In accordance with article L 221-28 of the French Consumer Code, the customer does not have the 14-day right of withdrawal provided for in article L 221-5 of the same code.
Accommodation services are excluded from the right of withdrawal.
Reservations and cancellations
The reservation of a Domaine will be definitive once both parties have signed and initialled the quotation and the general terms and conditions of sale.
The balance must be paid no later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days before the date of the reception.
Non-payment of the balance will incur penalties.
In the event that a domain of SAS Domaines & événements should have to postpone this quotation for exceptional reasons beyond its control, in particular in the event of official bans, acts of third parties, and/or cases of force majeure (exceptional weather conditions such as floods, hurricanes, cyclones, war, epidemics, etc.) it undertakes:
1) To justify exceptional causes in writing,
2) To make every effort to find a new date that suits both parties within 18 months. The price will be revised according to the year and the season, and a postponement charge will be applied (10% of the amount inclusive of VAT of the signed quotation).
In the event of cancellation by the Customer Organizer in a domain of the Domaines & événements group :
- More than 12 months before the event, the deposit will be returned to the Organizing Client, less a fixed cancellation fee.
- Between 12 months and 7 months prior to acceptance, Domaines & événements will be entitled to an indemnity corresponding to the deposit.
- Less than 7 months before the reception, an indemnity corresponding to the "estimated total for the reception" (estimate) defined when the contract was signed will be payable to Domaines & événements.
In all cases, if acceptance is deferred by agreement between the parties, it must be carried out within 18 months, for whatever reason (e.g. COVID19).
The price will be revised according to the year and season, and a postponement charge will be applied (10% of the amount inclusive of VAT of the signed quotation).
Post-contract visits
The Client Organizer is authorized to return to the site after signing the contract to view the premises within reasonable limits.
General Data Protection Regulation
All services will be recorded and made available to the customer on request at the following address: contact@domainesevenements.com
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, customers have the right to access, rectify and object to personal data concerning them.
The customer may also refuse processing, request that processing be limited or request the deletion (within the limits of the legal retention periods) of personal data.
This right can be exercised by sending a written request to contact@domainesevenements.com, who will respond to the requests made.
The purpose of processing the personal data collected corresponds to the obligations relating to the services provided (customer management, commercial prospecting, organization of the reception relating to the signed quotation).
Opposition to cold calling
"In accordance with the provisions of article L223-1 of the French Consumer Code, consumers have the option of registering free of charge on an opposition list against telephone canvassing if they do not wish to be the subject of commercial canvassing by telephone. This list can be accessed at www.bloctel.gouv.fr.
Amicable settlement of disputes
Any complaints can be sent by post to the seller's address shown on the first page of the quotation.
In the event of a dispute, the organizing customer may have free recourse to a consumer mediator under the conditions set out in Title 1 of Book VI of the French Consumer Code (articles L.611-1 et seq. and R.611-1 et seq.).
Pursuant to Articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the French Consumer Code, the contact details and Internet address of the competent consumer mediator for the seller are given below:
ATLANTIQUE MEDIATION CONSO - Maison de l'Avocat - 5 mail du Front populaire - 44200 NANTES
Here is the link to the dispute platform: